Avoca / Blue Ridge
Avoca and Blue Ridge are suburban neighborhoods in the southwest part of Bristol, Tennessee. The neighborhoods’ location overlaps the city’s Steele Creek Park. Homes in Avoca and Blue Ridge are small to medium sized single family homes with a median price of $99,095. Avoca and Blue Ridge also have apartment complexes with an average rental rate of $501.
Generally, the population is made up of mixed ages, including families with children, single residents, and senior citizens. Residents are of lower to middle income. The largest percentage of employed people works in executive and office management positions. Other common occupational groups in this area are sales and service, manufacturing, government employees, and tech support.
The majority of people living in Avoca and Blue Ridge average a 15 minute or less work commute. The residents by large travel in a privately owned vehicle or carpool. Because of the relative distance to local businesses, a private vehicle is helpful for the daily commute to work.