Three Springs / Haskell
Three Springs and Haskell are suburban neighborhoods located in Bristol, VA. These neighborhoods are primarily made up of small to medium sized single family homes and mobile homes. The median house price is $96,058 and the average rental rate is $458.
Those living in Three Springs and Haskell vary in age, with some residents being young singles, some are families with children, and some senior citizens. The working population in Three Springs in Haskell brings in a middle income, consistent with the American average. Common occupations for residents here are executive positions, sales associates, and manufacturers.
Most people living in Three Springs and Haskell average a 15-30 minute work commute. The neighborhoods’ residents by large travel in a privately owned vehicle or carpool. Because of the relative distance to local businesses, a private vehicle is helpful for the daily commute to work.
Kingtown is a well established suburban neighborhood in Bristol, VA. It is made up of mainly small to medium single family homes and apartment complexes. Most property in Kingtown was built in the 1950’s and 60’s. The average home price in Kingtown is $52,149 and the average rental rate is $418 making it a fairly affordable neighborhood to live in.
The residents of Kingtown are of varying ages and most are low income. Common occupations of those living in Kingtown are sales and service positions, manufacturers, managerial, and clerical positions. Smaller percentages of its residents are employed in tech support and executive positions.
The majority of people living in Kingtown average a 15 minute or less work commute. The residents by large travel in a privately owned vehicle or carpool. Because of the relative distance to local businesses, a private vehicle is helpful for the daily commute to work.
McChesney Heights
McChesney Heights is a suburban neighborhood comprised of mostly single family homes and apartment complexes. The median home price is $114,315 and the average rental price is $545, making it a relatively inexpensive place to live.
Residents of McChesney Heights are of varying ages which vary from young singles, to families with children, and senior citizens. Those living here on average are of middle income, with jobs in the executive and professional fields. Other common occupations include sales associates, manufacturers, and clerical assistants.
Most people living in McChesney Heights average a 15 or less minute work commute. The neighborhood’s residents by large travel in a privately owned vehicle or carpool. Because of the relative distance to local businesses, a private vehicle is helpful for the daily commute to work.
Preston Hills / Evergreen Hills
Preston Hills and Evergreen Hills are suburban neighborhoods. These neighborhoods are primarily made up of small to medium sized single family homes. The average home price in Preston Hills and Evergreen Hills is $140,717 and the average rental rate is $531.
Those living in Preston Hills and Evergreen Hills are of mixed ages, with a wide range from young single residents to those with families, and seniors. Most of the residents are of low to middle income and are employed in executive office positions, as sales associates, in manufacturing, or in tech support.
Most residents of Preston Hills and Evergreen Hills average a 15-30 minute work commute. The neighborhoods’ residents by large travel in a privately owned vehicle or carpool. Because of the relative distance to local businesses, a private vehicle is helpful for the daily commute to work.
Euclid Ave. / Carter St.
Euclid Avenue and Carter Street are suburban neighborhoods located in Bristol, VA. These neighborhoods are mainly comprised of small to medium sized single family homes along with some apartment complexes. The average home price in Euclid Ave. and Carter St. is $76,397 and the median rental rate is $472.
Residents of Euclid Ave. and Carter St. neighborhoods are of mixed ages and lower to middle income. Many people living here are employed in sales positions. Other common occupations include manufacturing, labor, tech support, and clerical positions.
Most residents of Euclid Avenue and Carter Street average a 15 minute or less work commute. The neighborhoods’ residents by large travel in a privately owned vehicle or carpool. Because of the relative distance to local businesses, a private vehicle is helpful for the daily commute to work.
Virginia Intermont College
The neighborhood surrounding Virginia Intermont College is a well-established suburban area, made up of small to medium sized single family homes and apartment complexes. The median home price is $125,924 and the average rental rate is $293, making it a relatively inexpensive neighborhood to live in. Because of the neighborhood’s proximity to Virginia Intermont College, it is a fairly walkable area with a young and trendy feel.
This area is primarily inhabited by residents of mixed ages of relatively low income. Most residents are employed in managerial and executive office positions. Many others work in sales, service jobs, and in tech support.
Most residents of the Virginia Intermont College area average a 15 minute or less work commute. The neighborhoods’ residents by large travel in a privately owned vehicle or carpool. Because of the relative distance to local businesses, a private vehicle is helpful for the daily commute to work.